
28 May 2010

I Insanely Hearted SATC2. Quel Surprise! And Last Post Until Nashville!

So I'm about 3 days away from being an official resident of Nashville. And quite frankly, I'm thrilled. This sort of change in my life has been a long time coming. Not that you are waiting with baited breath for my next line and thought on fashion but I'm taking a little break between now and...well get settled and soak up this moment.

But before I go, let's talk about Sex and the City 2. I was never an avid follower mostly because when SATC was in its heyday, I didn't have cable, let alone HBO. Being a single mom didn't really grant that luxury. But I did catch repeats on TBS and episodes when I was visiting addicted friends. I immediately saw the appeal even if I didn't feel the impulse to catch every last happening in the lives of Carrie, Miranda, Samantha and Charlotte. But then, I rarely get addicted to tv shows (with the exception of Project Runway, all hail you Tim and Heidi).

Anyshoe, the first SATC movie, in my humble opinion, all due respect, was really just a fashion show. I honestly can't remember what the plot was and I certainly did not blog about it. But I remember the wedding dress montage and I vividly recall the Vivienne Westwood. VIVIDLY. *swoon*

But I have to put it out there girls, SATC2 may be, again in my humble opinion, the quintessential chick flick of all time for those of our generation. Before you get out your worn copy of Thelma and Louise, hear me out. The overall campiness of the movie is in your face evident about 4 minutes after the opening line. In fact, whoever wrote the lines to the first scene must have either been on meds that day or a recent college grad. They were bad. But then...Liza Minnelli blows the top off of the whole damn thing and hilarity ensues for another two solid hours. I really don't think I have laughed that much in a movie in years.

Though it wasn't just funny, it actually had a bit of a message that resonated with me as a newly married. Campy? Yes. Bad jokes? Absolutely. INSANE costumes? Oh my G-d, yes! But it was such the perfect symbiosis of everything you think of when you recall the best moments you ever had with your girlfriends AND all of those eureka moments you've had over the man you love that I was honestly astounded. No, it won't change your life. Yes, some of you will think you are entirely too intelligent and superior to spend money on it. But do yourself a favor, watch it with your best friend, your sister, rent it when it comes out and watch it on your day off when day time TV is sucking the life out of you. It is so very worth it.

Now onto the clothes from the NYC and London premieres of the film because we've GOT to talk about them.

Sarah Jessica Parker in Valentino (L) and full on Alexander McQueen with Philip Treacy headpiece (R). I'm not always crazy about how SJP rocks the red carpet but she nailed it with the Valentino...dress, hair, makeup. She looks so very New York but so fresh and not overdone. Plus, it's nice to see a piece from this Valentino collection in the real world because the actual show totally did me in. I was not a fan. As for the McQueen/Treacy, what an homage to McQueen. It's a lot, yes, but if you are going to do this where better to do it than London. It fits and therefore I love.

Kim Cattrall in Naeem Khan (L) and vintage Thierry Mugler (R). Dear G-d. She looks divine in both AND she looks AMAZING in the film. I honestly think she looks better than she ever has and she may have looked better than anyone else in the film. I love that she worked the sort of vintage starlet look for both premieres. Simply gorgeous, both of them.

Kristin Davis in vintage Jean Desses (L) and vintage Norman Norell (R). The Jean Desses is a gorgeous cut for her and color, well I always love her in pink. Some people just work pink better than others and she is definitely one of those people (Dear Gwyneth Paltrow, please take note). As for the Norell from Decades, the greatest vintage store probably on earth, I'm not entirely crazy about the dress itself but she looks hot. It's undeniable.

Cynthia Nixon in Carolina Herrara (L) and Narciso Rodriguez (R). Cynthia Nixon blew my mind in the movie...she looked incredible and I love her hair red, love it! I'm not super crazy about either of these BUT they look really great on her...I just long for that red hair.

Anyway, I just had to get a little red carpet out of my system before I go back to packing boxes. I think a lot of people throw tomatoes and turn a cold, feminist shoulder to these films but I can say without tongue in cheek that I really think it's a celebration of women. It's a celebration of what makes us funny, sexy, fragile, vulnerable, strong and imperfect. There's nothing wrong with a little imperfection in life -- we all could stand to recognize it.

much love,

1 comment:

  1. Fun blog !! glad I stopped in.. I didn't read too much up top because I haven't seent he movie yet - and I wasn't sure there were any spoilers.. but the red carpet looks are fab.

